Sex & Relationship Experts

Celeste & Danielle

Creators of the Somatica® Method and Founders of the Somatica Institute.

Delighted to help you transform your personal life and relationship, or become an in-demand sex & relationship coach and watch your own life transform in the process.

Keeping it warm, sexy, and vulnerable.

about Us

We’re here to empower you to be shameless – about your sexuality, your deepest desires, and who you really are. We’re here to revolutionize the way you approach relationships and intimacy so you can honor yourself, understand others, write your own love story, share your turn-ons, reclaim your body, your sense of pleasure and power, and lead loving, erotic, connected, unapologetically sexy lives.

World Renowned Sex And Relationship Coaches

Offering cutting-edge classes to help you revolutionize your sex life and relationships.

Teaching The Next Generation Of Coaches

1000+ coaches trained, enjoying thriving careers, and changing people’s worlds.


Modernizing sex coaching for the 21st century with innovative, science-based approaches.

We believe desire holds the secret to profound healing. Perfection’s a lie. Choice is a magic word. And being true to yourself leads to the deep and lasting connections we all hunger for. We don’t seek disappointment, but we know how to accept it and love ourselves and others through it. And we think one size fits, well, none, because everyone’s different – from each other, and from day to day.

We fight fair, care deeply, and play for keeps. It’s pretty hard to shock us, but we love to see you try. We explore fantasies and deep desires, find raw edges, and learn to navigate them safely. We’re compassionate, sensuous, and sassy, and we support you in questioning everything that doesn’t feel right to you.

We invite you on a journey to find your unique key to unlock the power of love, desire, and pleasure. These magical powers will heal, transform, and enrich your life.

Celeste & Danielle In the News

Life is Short – Do What You Love

Are you ready to have the career of your dreams? Help people have the life, love, and pleasure they want – and experience all the financial and personal freedom that comes from being your own boss in this highly lucrative profession.