The Top 3 Mistakes Women Make In Dating and Relationship – Making Sex For Him

The Top 3 Mistakes Women Make In Dating and Relationship – Making Sex For Him

Our third of three posts outlining common issues that women face in dating and the top three mistakes we may make when facing these issues. Mistake #3 – Making Sex for Him Instead of for You Last but most definitely not least, women often experience the intensity and passion of the beginnings of sex with…

The Top 3 Mistakes Women Make In Dating and Relationships – Communication

The Top 3 Mistakes Women Make In Dating and Relationships – Communication

Our second of three posts outlining common issues that women face in dating and the top three mistakes we may make when facing these issues. Day 2 has to do with how we communicate: Mistake #2 – From No Communication to Unkind Communication The idea that Mr. Right will just know what you want without…

The Top 3 Mistakes Women Make In Dating and Relationships

The Top 3 Mistakes Women Make In Dating and Relationships

Over the next three days we’ll be publishing some common issues women face in dating and top three mistakes we may make when we face these issues. Day 1 has to do with Mr. Right. Mistake #1 is Waiting for Mr. Right Most women have been taught through fairy tales and romance movies that meeting…

Can Romance Last a Lifetime?

Can Romance Last a Lifetime?

Romantic movies capitalize on the delciousness of this feeling by focusing only on the beginning of this process and leaving out all of the rest that comes with opening to someone and letting them in to that level of vulnerability. As people fall more deeply and fully into love, all sorts of things begin to show up – insecurities, attachments, and all of the differences that exist between any two people. As the world rushes in, couple’s often question if romance can last a lifetime. We say yes – if you recognize it, cultivate it and deepen it when it shows up and, if you don’t expect it to be there all the time.

The Myths and Facts Behind Women’s Sexual Peak

The Myths and Facts Behind Women’s Sexual Peak

We want to unravel some misconceptions about a woman’s sexual peak vs. her physiological peak to help you understand your own sexual maturation. Our physiological sexual peak happens in our teens – so why do we say women reach their sexual peak at 35? It has nothing to do with hormones and everything to do with the society we live in.

Couple’s Coaching – Why Hands-On?

Couple’s Coaching – Why Hands-On?

It always amazes us how much information and transformation happens when we begin to coach experientially and hands-on with couples. While talking and learning to communicate face to face is very productive, when it comes to sex, much of the communication is non-verbal. Many people find it challenging to communicate their desires, to check on…

The Player and The Lover

The Player and The Lover

We often work with men who are in the process of dating women as a part of their search to find a fulfilling relationship. What we’ve found has been eye-opening. Many men, when approaching a first meeting with a woman call it a “date”, worry about how they should act, whether or not the woman is interested, how they are coming across, and what they are supposed to do at every turn. In short, they spend most of their time before, during and after the date worrying.

Conscious Self-Exploration

Conscious Self-Exploration

Deepen Your Relationship to Your Body It is time to embark on the awe-inspiring journey of physically exploring your body. This is an opportunity to create amazing, sensual, romantic, loving and intimate dates with yourself in order to learn about what electrifies you emotionally and physically. We call this step on the road to erotic…

The Journey Back to Erotic Embodiment

The Journey Back to Erotic Embodiment

Every child is born with a direct connection to their pleasure. Their experiences of their body are not kept at a safe distance and intellectualized, their actions, such as sleeping, eating, crying, and touching are in direct connection to their bodily desires. They fully experience their sensual selves as they commune with their outer world….