man wondering how to become a better lover
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How to Be A Better Lover With Somatica

Have you ever wondered how to be a better lover?

We have coached thousands of men, both individually and in group settings. Consistently, those who were ready to journey into passion, intimacy, and deep connection succeeded in becoming better, more attentive, and seductive lovers.

In the Somatica Training, you learn how to turn on your partner – for an evening, or for a lifetime. We’ll teach you these 9 qualities of an extraordinary lover:

  • presence
  • confidence
  • sensuality
  • passion
  • empathy
  • generosity
  • spontaneity (creativity + flexibility)
  • curiosity
  • acceptance

Because learning is best done through practice, you’ll cultivate each of these qualities through experiential exercises. They’ll require you to get out of your comfort zone and experience authentic intimacy with your fellow students.

Watch Celeste Hirschman in a Somatica Session with Spirit, a student learning to be a better lover

The Power of Learning in a Group Setting

The Somatica Method is a deep journey into personal growth and self improvement for people across the gender and LGBTQIA spectrum. Perhaps the most appealing and enlightening aspect of the training is that as a group, you will learn how to share erotic energy, and give and receive real, honest feedback. 

We’ve seen that receiving reflections from multiple people over a short period is one of the most efficient pathways to self-awareness. And, practicing new skills in real-time creates new habits, confidence and empowerment.

Once you’ve taken the beginning training, you can also opt to join a 5 day in-person immersion retreat to practice the more hands-on aspects of Somatica with the whole Somatica community. 

The Most Cutting-Edge Self Help For Men

You may want do this just for yourself and your personal growth. Or maybe you’ll find that you like helping other men and/or women in this area. And that becoming a coach yourself is part of your life’s journey and purpose. If so, the Somatica Training can also prepare you to go on to the Advanced Level and get your certification as a coach.

Whether you want to learn how to be a better boyfriend, husband, or partner – or just to be extraordinarily successful in the dating world – this training is for you. To truly learn and grow, you have to dive in and try different ways of being and engaging in the world.

What Will You Learn?

  • Through a systematic, step-by-step process, you will learn the tools of sexual and emotional relating
  • Learn the foundations of connecting and dating
  • Find out what your partner wants – sexually and emotionally
  • Discover what really turns your partner on – and practice it!
  • Leverage your natural talents to give your partner the hottest sex they’ve ever had
  • Master your sexual function – understand premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction and how to deal with them
  • Identify and correct negative personality patterns that turn partners off
  • Get honest feedback and experiential practice so you can be comfortable and connected when your partner express themselves
  • Practice different seduction skills
  • Become clear and straightforward about your desires so you can get what you want – without negative emotional feedback

Why Learn How To Be A Better Lover With Somatica?

We love, understand, and have deep compassion for men. Learning from us has helped thousands of men embrace their sexual selves, and feel the power and satisfaction of great sex and intimacy.

We offer practical seduction tools that take into account your partner’s actual turn-ons and real world fantasies. We teach experientially – this means we teach you the tools and then give you time to try them out with your fellow students in the training. After all, you can’t learn how to swim unless you get in the pool – and you can’t learn seduction just from talking.

Somatica coaches are highly educated professionals in the fields of psychology and sexuality – and with the Somatica Method, we have created a proven, unique, and cutting-edge approach to learning about sexuality and relationships.

Spirit, a Somatica Institute student, learning to be a better lover in a session with Celeste Hirschman.

This Training is For You If You…

  • Are sharp and successful in your field, yet find it challenging to understand the dynamics of dating
  • Are not satisfied with your sex life, or are in a sexless relationship or marriage with a partner who seems uninterested in sex
  • Want to enhance your seduction skills and learn how to be a better lover
  • Want to know what it means to be “emotionally available” and raise your emotional intelligence
  • Have no idea what your partner wants in bed and you are tired of guessing
  • Are concerned about getting hard
  • Are having trouble with coming too quickly
  • Want to have a supportive network of people who are sex-positive and interested in building community and connections

How To Participate in the Next Training

Ready to dive in and start becoming a better lover? You can:

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