coaching for lesbian and bisexual women

What is Coaching for Lesbian & Bisexual Women?

The path to discovering, nurturing and fulfilling your sexual identity and desires is challenging enough to those within a society that fosters opposite-sex relationships. It can be even more so when you grow up in a society that does not accept your sexual desires. Regardless of how you travel down this path, you should always…

40 year old virgin man, sitting on a park bench

Are There Really 40 or 50 Year Old Virgins?

According to the CDC’s 2023 National Health Statistics Report, 40.5% of female teenagers and 38.7% of male teenagers lose their virginity by age 19. This presents a 5 – 7% drop compared to roughly two decades earlier. So is there a trend to stay a virgin longer? Maybe even until the age of 40 or…

Young couple learning how to have fun on a date

How to Rekindle Joy and Have Fun with Embodied Dating

In this modern dating landscape, navigating the path to finding a meaningful connection can sometimes feel like an arduous task. Almost as if dating has turned into a science of the mind – a calculated process in which you are supposed to identify your key requirements and dealbreakers. Often, it more resembles a job interview…

Young woman knows how to flirt

How To Flirt

Knowing how to flirt is important in every phase of a relationship. And yet – no matter how fun it may seem, it can actually be quite difficult and vulnerable to do. When you flirt, you open yourself up to all sorts of amazing possibilities. But you also expose yourself to potential rejection. What if…

Couple in a sex coaching session

Why You Should Try Sex Coaching for Couples

You may not realize it – but you can indeed have it all. An open, communicative and balanced relationship, combined with a passionate, fulfilling sexual connection. How, you ask? With a little helper called sex coaching for couples. Sex coaches see it all the time their practice: women settling and shutting down. Men going through…

couple in a sexless marriage

Are You In A Sexless Marriage?

In long-term relationships, sex can often end up on the back burner – behind work, children and the daily chores of living, resulting in a largely sexless marriage. Unless both partners are completely happy with this arrangement, a low sex or sexless relationship can lead to deep resentment, distancing, cheating, and even break-ups and divorce….

relationship coaching for women

Transform Your Love Life With Relationship Coaching for Women

There is so much love and intimacy available in the world. Yet women are consistently given negative messaging about relationships. You’re told you are not valued if you are not in a relationship. Or that this union is supposed to make you happy all the time. We all know this is not true. The messages…

lgbtq coaching for men
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What is Coaching For LGBTQ, Gay, Queer, Trans & Bisexual Men?

The last few years have fostered one of the strongest and most supportive communities for gay, queer, trans, and bisexual men in history. Yet there are still plenty of challenges left – from family and community, and particularly around sex and relationships. Luckily, LGBTQ coaching can help deal with these issues. What is LGBTQ Coaching?…