sex coaching for men
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What is Sex Coaching for Men?

Are you often feeling lost about what it is that your partner really wants? Are you craving to learn what women really like in bed? You’re in luck. Sex Coaching For Men is just what you’ve been looking for.

It helps you understand seduction, foreplay, the ever-elusive female orgasm and developing your G spot skills. It also teaches how to have sex that meets women’s shifting sexual needs. Lastly, a sex coach can address sexual dysfunction issues like erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation you might have.

Sex Coaching for Men Teaches How To:

  • Demonstrate your seduction technique from the very first look
  • Project a confident, thus, attractive self
  • Come to every encounter from a place of relaxation, playfulness, and comfort
  • Build erotic tension and wake up women’s sexual desire, stimulating their psychic as well as their body needs
  • Understand female orgasm, the G spot, and how to incorporate sex toys
  • Overcome shame and inhibition so you can bring in sexual fantasy
  • Get the most out of every second of your sexual and intimate experiences
  • Understand what women like in bed and read their non-verbal cues
  • Know what women mean by words like “communication,” “intimacy,” and being “emotionally available”
  • Follow your desires as a way to deepen women’s sexual pleasure

What Women Like In Bed

Women can be so complicated. Sex coaches know this – and are here to provide you with open and honest feedback about what women want and like in bed.

They teach via real-time experiences so you can efficiently learn how to date, seduce, and having successful long-term relationships with women.

learn what women like in bed

What to Expect From Your Sex Coaching For Men Session

It’s important to understand that sex coaching does not involve actual sex. Practitioners always keep their clothes on.

However, experiential sex coaches – like those trained in the Somatica Method – can use hands-on methods to teach you skills. They are allowed to use certain types of touch and seduction, within legal boundaries, to teach arousing types of touch for the body, physical disinhibition, and passionate touch.

In session, a sex coach helps you uncover what holds you back – and supports you in removing these obstacles. You will gain the practical tools to get exactly what you want through:

  • Experiential learning: Practice is the only pathway to body-based learning. After all, you can’t learn to play baseball from talking or reading a book.
  • Real-time feedback: Sex coaches will give you honest, straightforward feedback – plus tools to improve how you come across.
  • Identification and transformation of unhelpful habits: Humans are very habitual. But as Rita Mae Brown so pointedly said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Therefore, you must change habits to get the results you want.

How to Prepare for Your Sex Coaching Session:

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