Sexy woman, questioning the causes of her low libido

Low Libido Causes: Are Social Norms Killing Your Sex Drive?

There are so many, much-hyped causes of low sex drive in women. Hormone imbalances. Stress. Relationship issues. Sexual dysfunction and health issues. Lack of sleep. But what about social norms, body image, and messaging? Is it possible that the cultural messages around sex and body image you’ve been receiving since childhood are the true root…

man wondering how to become a better lover

How to Be A Better Lover With Somatica

Have you ever wondered how to be a better lover? We have coached thousands of men, both individually and in group settings. Consistently, those who were ready to journey into passion, intimacy, and deep connection succeeded in becoming better, more attentive, and seductive lovers. In the Somatica Training, you learn how to turn on your partner –…

sex coaching for men
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What is Sex Coaching for Men?

Are you often feeling lost about what it is that your partner really wants? Are you craving to learn what women really like in bed? You’re in luck. Sex Coaching For Men is just what you’ve been looking for. It helps you understand seduction, foreplay, the ever-elusive female orgasm and developing your G spot skills. It…

man looking to stop premature ejaculation (PE)

How to Stop Premature Ejaculation

Between 30 and 70% of men will at one point in their lives suffer from premature ejaculation (PE) issues. Most would like to but don’t know how to stop premature ejaculation and last longer. Left unaddressed, the issue can lead to shame, erectile dysfunction (ED), and relationship stress. It can also greatly decrease a man’s pleasure potential. The…

How To Turn Your Desire (Back) On – A Series on Women’s Low Libido

How To Turn Your Desire (Back) On – A Series on Women’s Low Libido

Studies have shown that the number one sexual complaint of women across the U.S. is low sexual desire (low libido). For the next few posts, we will present the main reasons why women suffer from low libido and give some ideas on how women can help themselves and gain the help of their partners in increasing their desire for and enjoyment of sex.